Tuesday, December 5, 2006


從研究所畢業開始, 我就愛一個人到處旅行, 從San Jose到Las Vegas, 從Boston到NYC, 那時候得我總覺得一個人旅行, 很酷~雖然要自己一個人吃飯總是隨便買個麵包就打發, 自己逛街總是買不到東西:P

從和Ronnie在一起, 我不再一個人旅行, 如果人生也像是一場漫長的旅行, 很高興, 我有你可以一起手牽手走這段兩個人的旅行. 打包兩個人的行李, 規劃兩個人的行程, 不再一個人吃晚餐, 有你...真好

Monday, December 4, 2006

He Proposed and she said "yes"

September 2nd, when the first star came out, he proposed and she said "yes". They are going to share every moment with each other in the rest of their life and live happily forever.